
Contact lenses, before make up vs after makeup, when should we wear them?

9th Apr 2021

We'd like to talk about whether contact lenses should be worn before putting on makeup or can they be worn after putting on makeup.

Simply put(=in brief), it's the best time to wear contact lens before applying eye makeup.

Everyone has to touch the eyelids naturally when wearing the lenses, and after wearing them, the eyelids blink several times and adjust the lens so that it is in place.

Therefore, if you put on a lens while wearing eye makeup, the likelihood of the color cosmetic substance entering into the eye in this process increases, and the possibility of blurred vision or foreign body sensation is inevitably increased.

So, if there are people who wear make-up among those who wear lenses, it is better to put on the lenses first and then simplify the eye make-up. Please do not forget that excessive eye make-up is fatal to eye health.