
The Unseen Consequences Why Alcohol and Contact Lenses Don't Mix Well

18th Oct 2023

Most of us enjoy a good drink now and then. However, few consider the subtle effects alcohol can have, especially on our eyes. For contact lens wearers, mixing alcohol and lenses can be uncomfortable and risky. Let's explore why.

Why Do Eyes Feel Dry After Drinking?

Alcohol acts as a diuretic, leading to dehydration. This can cause dry eyes as the body's ability to produce tears diminishes. For contact lens wearers, reduced tear production can cause discomfort and potential harm.

The Hidden Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Lenses

Beyond discomfort, there are risks to wearing contact lenses after drinking. Alcohol causes blood vessels in our eyes to dilate, leading to a bloodshot appearance. This indicates that the eyes aren't in an optimal state for lens wear. Moreover, sleeping with contact lenses after drinking can obstruct oxygen supply to the cornea, leading to complications like corneal abrasions and infections.

How to Safeguard Your Eyes

For contact lens wearers who drink occasionally, it's essential to take precautions. If you feel discomfort or dryness, remove your lenses. Carrying a lens case and solution can be helpful. Consider using lubricating eye drops approved for lenses to combat dryness. Most importantly, never sleep with your lenses on after drinking.

Conclusion: Our eyes are vital, and their care should be a priority. While enjoying a drink is fine, it's crucial to understand its effects on our eyes, especially for lens wearers. By being informed and cautious, you can ensure eye health and comfort.


Why do my eyes feel dry after drinking alcohol?
Alcohol acts as a diuretic, leading to dehydration. This can reduce the body's ability to produce tears, causing dry eyes.
Is it safe to wear contact lenses after consuming alcohol?
It's advisable to avoid wearing contact lenses after drinking as alcohol can cause reduced tear production and blood vessel dilation, leading to discomfort and potential eye complications.
What happens if I sleep with my contact lenses on after drinking?
Sleeping with contact lenses after drinking can obstruct the supply of oxygen to the cornea, leading to complications like corneal abrasions and infections.
How can I relieve dry eyes after drinking?
Using lubricating eye drops approved for use with contact lenses can help alleviate dryness. It's also recommended to remove contact lenses and rest your eyes.