Many times we come across in situations where we want to ditch our beloved glasses and taste the freedom of contacts. That doesn’t mean that you have to switch over from glasses completely, you can wear lenses for special occasions and then go back to the comfort of your glasses. Many people have misconceptions about occasional lenses, but they are actually very easy to get. Fall/winter season is almost here, which means that the social calendar is going to be full of Halloween parties, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas morning rituals , Christmas eve family get-togethers and ending all of that with celebration of New year. With that kind of a social calendar, you might want to excuse your glasses at home and flaunt your make-up, clothes and style in full swing. Wear a blue circle lens to accentuate your eyes and turn some heads this holiday season.
Apart from the family gatherings, attending weddings, going on vacations or exploring winter sports, all need you to get rid of those spectacles for some time and embrace the independence, luxury, comfort and confidence given by the cheap eye contacts you can so easily get your hands on. If you think that contacts aren’t your cup of tea then according to American Optometric Association about 45 million people opt for contacts over glasses, you’re surely missing out on these, trust me. The number of conversion is growing by the minute, but there's people who opt to wear lenses occasionally and that’s totally your choice. Eyeglasses surely have their own set of advantages; one can go about their day wearing glasses and seamlessly switch over on special occasions, that way you’ll be able to get the best of both worlds.
If you’re ready to dive into the world of contacts even for special occasions you must ask yourself these questions before going for an eye exam, as these questions will be asked by the doctor in order to learn more about your requirements and reservations.
What Kind of Event are you planning To Attend?
Occasions can be of a wide range, so you must tell your eye care professional about the nature of the event so that he can suggest you the right type of lenses. For one-day-events like a party, get together or wedding you can go for daily disposable lenses, as they don’t require any cleaning and disinfecting. Any added expense is also out of question because you can just discard them after you’re done with your event. Daily disposable lenses are also a great option when going abroad on vacations. No need to carry a bunch of stuff like cases, solutions etc just buy dailies according to the days and pop them up freshly every day. If you’re on a business trip and the luggage is on leash then extended wear lenses with a travel sized bottle of solution can be very handy. With a ton of options in contacts like blue circle lens that make the iris appear bigger and beautiful, decorative lenses for Halloween parties or just simple colored lenses for the special dinner-date you can choose whatever suits your needs to the t, without committing to them for a long time.
How Long Is the Event Going to Last?
Events can last for varying lengths and times so be sure to get the one which is perfect for your occasion. Some occasions last till the wee hours of night, some last up to days and others for weeks, like a camping trip or concert. Extended wear lenses are your best bet with these kinds of occasions, you don’t have to take them off before the fun times are over, neither do you have to take them off to clean and disinfect nor do you have to carry any supplies with you. I think these would be the perfect way to enjoy any occasion to the fullest.
In order to make your first encounter with contacts a pleasant one, here are some tips.
Visit Your Optometrist for an Eye Exam
To have the best experience you must have an eye exam. This will ensure that the contacts are a perfect fit for your eyes, the contacts are safe for you and your eyes are healthy. Vision correction contacts need correct prescription which can be done by an eye exam only. Never buy contacts of the counter from a random buyer or from unauthorized personnel.
Cleaning is the Key Here
Cleaning your vision correcting device may already be a part of your life even if you wear glasses. Dirty glasses can obstruct vision and make it blurry but dirty lenses are dangerous. Always wash your hands and pat them dry before inserting and removing contacts. Gently rub the contacts with solution and put them in fresh solution every time you wear them. Cleaning part is very important and you mustn’t take it lightly.
Observe the Suggested Timings
Most of the eye contacts come with some limitations regarding the timing. For the best experience you must strictly observe them. Over wearing your lenses can cause serious damage to your eyes. Contacts have tiny holes that promote air flow, over usage can clog them causing itchiness, redness and blurry vision.
Carry Enough Supplies
Whenever you wear contacts be sure to have a bottle of lens solution on hand. Contacts can sometimes feel uncomfortable, something can penetrate in the eyes or maybe you just feel like taking the dip in the pool. Having a solution, case and an extra pair on hand is never bad, water as a solution is out of question so be ready for unexpected with cheap eye contacts.
Don’t Jump the Gun
If you’re planning on wearing contacts the very first time that too on a big event like a wedding or graduation, I would strongly recommend at least trying getting used to them three weeks prior. Eyes need some adjustment with foreign substance, time to get comfortable with them and accept them. Don’t throw them together just before the big day arrives; you don’t want to ruin your day.
With these tips in mind you are ready to rock any occasion or event with a ton of confidence and zest. Just visit your eye care professional for an eye exam, buy contacts from a registered FDA seller, clean them studiously and give time to adjust.